Latest Episodes
Perseus & Capricorn delight, Jervois’s conundrum
We’re into quarterly season now and first up we talk Perseus, who continue to deliver on their West African operations. Then it’s over to...
Patriot’s Blair Way defends Corvette, Tanzania takes-off
On the show today we bring on Blair Way, CEO of Patriot Battery Metals (PMET:tsx and PMT:asx), to answer some questions we had about...
Regis disappoints, Sayona keeps growing
We recap the Genesis and St Barbara deal, Sayona Mining’s DFS and resource upgrade, Regis’s March quarter as well as why Minres has popped...
A new Genesis term-sheet, Copper Mountain takeover
On todays episode we have a look at the term-sheet for the recut Genesis and St Barbara deal then we talk copper, with Hudbay...
Clayts talks Leo Lithium, we question Patriot
On today’s show we bring on Precision Fund’s Andy Clayton to discuss Leo Lithium’s development of the Goulamina project then we dig into what’s...
Westgold turnaround with Wayne Bramwell
We unpacked today’s March production results from Westgold with their MD Wayne Bramwell, what’s unfolding at Latin Resources Salinas project and the IGO /...